
Monday, November 25, 2019

November 25th and 26th

"When you love what you have, you have everything you need."

I am so grateful for my amazing class this year! Thank you to their fabulous parents as well. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! 

Monday, November 18, 2019

November 18-22

"November is chill, frosted mornings with a silver sun rising behind the trees, red cardinals at the feeders, and squirrels running scallops along the tops of the gray stone walls."

Students began the day by rereading Roberto Clemente: Pride of the Pittsburgh Pirates to themselves or in partners. Then they responded to our Essential Question about the traits of a hero. I'm so impressed with the improvement I see in students' writing over the past few weeks. Their thoughts are more organized with text evidence to support their answers. 

We'll have our spelling test on Wednesday. Students have two more assignments due before then. We won't have another pretest until after Thanksgiving break. :)

Students will have a Home Link on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Please see their homework for the Daily Learning Objective. 

Students are excited about performing a Thanksgiving play in the classroom this week. We will do some other fun holiday activities throughout the week.

Have a fabulous week! :)

Monday, November 4, 2019

November 4-8

"In November, the trees are standing all sticks and bones. Without their leaves, how lovely they are, spreading their arms like dancers. They know it is time to be still."
Students loved reading with their PEA Buddies this morning. We won't see them again until December so we savored our time with them today. We also read Pop's Bridge and practiced creating Venn Diagrams to compare and contrast characters. 
No school tomorrow due to Parent Conferences. I look forward to seeing you all!
Spelling test on Wednesday. Students should turn in two spelling assignments that day. 
We will continue working in Unit 3 of our EDM program. Students will have Home Links on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Please see the Daily Learning Objective on each Home Link to understand our most recent math goals. 
We are all very excited about our LegoLand Field Trip on Thursday. Please remember to send your child with a lunch that day unless you signed up for a meal from the Cafeteria. 
Please remember to sign and return the gold report card envelope. The report card is yours to keep.
Have a fantastic week! :)

Monday, October 28, 2019

October 28-November 1

"When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, 'tis near Halloween."

We began our week with a spelling pretest and a visit from our PEA Reading Buddies. Students love sharing a book with these older students each week. I'm grateful for the opportunity to watch a friendship develop between students of various ages. 

Students will take home their new spelling list tomorrow. They will have five assignments due prior to the test on Wednesday, November 6th. The Spelling Menu will go home as well with great homework and practice ideas. 

We will begin Unit 3 in math this afternoon. This unit focuses on all four mathematical operations. Students will have a Home Link each night. Please refer to it for the Daily Learning Objective.

Students are looking forward to our Fall Celebration this week. Please remember that costumes are not allowed at LSS.

Report cards go home on Friday. Please keep the report card for your records then sign and return the gold envelope as soon as possible. 

Have a spooky week! :)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

October 21-25

“May you Fall in love with October
and all the beauty it brings,
May your life be as colorful as
the turning of the leaves,
On each blessed autumn day”
 Charmaine J. Forde

I missed my lovely students on Monday as I attended a Curriculum Meeting with my fellow third grade teachers at the SAU. I'm happy to report that I received wonderful feedback from Mrs. Cameron and the substitute. I truly have the best class ever! :)

Students enjoyed a visit from their Reading Buddies yesterday. We are so fortunate to have these PEA students join us each week. I love hearing the conversations within the groups and seeing the older students share their school experiences with the younger children. 

Students have one more spelling assignment due before their test tomorrow!

We will finish Unit 2 in math tomorrow. We will review for the test on Thursday and the assessment will be given the following day. Please look for Home Link assignments tonight and tomorrow. Students will have a Review packet to study with on Thursday afternoon. The Family Letter for Unit 3 will go home this week. Please take a moment to review it to learn about our upcoming unit. Remember you can find all the answers to the Unit 3 Home Links in that informational packet. :)

Sign ups for Conferences went home electronically this morning. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. 

Our Cornfield Character celebration will take place on Friday! I'm looking forward to seeing all the creativity of our third grade students. :)

Have a fantastic week! 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

October 15-18

“I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”
― L. M. Montgomery

We began our week with a spelling pretest and a fire drill. Students did an excellent job at being flexible during this practice evacuation. Students also started designing their own Barefoot Islands using symbols and a map key. 

Students' new spelling lists for Lesson 3 will go home today. There will be five assignments due before the test next Wednesday, the 23rd. The spelling menu with homework ideas will go home with students today. 

We will continue with Unit 2 in math. Students will have a Home Link each evening that helps reinforce the Daily Learning Objective. Today students were asked to solve division number stories. Some of these word problems required students to use remainders. 

Reminder about our Early Release for tomorrow. Students will be dismissed at 12:45pm. 

We will begin our Nutrition Unit this week. :)

Have a wonderful week! 

Monday, October 7, 2019

October 7-11

"There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October."

We began the week with a warm, breezy day. Students were excited to share their feelings and stories from the weekend at Morning Meeting. 

This is the second week of the spelling cycle so students have two assignments due before the test on Wednesday. Please see your child's spelling menu for homework ideas and test information. 

Students are working diligently on math standards in Unit 2. Please see your child's Home Link each night for the daily Learning Objective. I'm very impressed with my students' ability to solve multi-step number stories... especially those that involve two different operations. They love collaborating on challenging problems while using whiteboards and manipulatives. 

Information about our upcoming walking field trip went home today. The field trip permission form will be sent home later this week. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. 

Have a fantastic week! :)

Monday, September 30, 2019

September 30-October 4th

"The goldenrod is yellow
The corn is turning brown
The trees in apple orchards
With fruit are bending down."

I can't believe we've reached the end of September! What a wonderful month we've had together. Students have continued to work hard and treat each other well. I couldn't ask for a nicer class. :)

Students took a spelling pretest this morning. Their new rule features vowel-consonant-silent e words. Their pretest and new words will go home with them tomorrow. They will have a spelling assignment due on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please refer to the spelling menu for homework choices and the spelling test date (10/9). 

We will begin Unit 2 in math this week. In this unit, children make sense of one and two step number stories involving all four arithmetic operations. They represent situations with diagrams, arrays, pictures, words and number models. Students will improve their problem solving strategies and further their understanding of solving number stories. Please see your child's Home Link each night for our daily Learning Objective. 

Students will complete their Square One art projects this week. They will start their rough draft today and then work on the final design over the next four days. I look forward to seeing their creativity!

We will continue studying the seven continents, four main bodies of water and understanding the cardinal directions this week. Students will finish their Not a Box presentations and work on giving "glows and grows" to their classmates. We will use a rubric to reflect on our experience as well. 

Have a fantastic week! :)

Monday, September 23, 2019

September 23-27

"By all these lovely tokens
September days are here,
With summer’s best of weather
And autumn’s best of cheer."

         Helen Hunt Jackson

What a beautiful, warm day to start our week! Students practiced bus evacuations this morning. These practice drills help students to know what to do in the event of an bus emergency. The kids did a great job listening and following the bus driver's directions. 

We will finish Unit 1 in math on Wednesday. We will review for the test on Thursday and a study packet will go home that evening. Students should be prepared for a test on Friday. Please see your child's Home Link each night for the daily Learning Objective. 

We will have our first spelling test on Wednesday. Students should complete two spelling assignments before then. Please remind your child to check the Spelling Menu for creative homework ideas. I also offer choices in a spelling folder at school each day. The next pretest won't be given until Monday, September 30th. 

Students are preparing their Not a Box presentations currently. They are working hard to create and show their quality work. We will continue working on our Community PBL when this particular project ends. 

Students have been enjoying the Seesaw activities. Please contact me if you haven't connected yet and need the link or QR code to join. As a parent, you can "like" your student's posts and comment on their work. 

Students are excited for our next STEAM activity with Ms. Carlozzi on Friday. :)

Have a fantastic week! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

September 16-20

"People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built." Eleanor Roosevelt

Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year and my class blog! Please visit this page on Monday afternoons for new information and updates that relate to our third grade class. I look forward to seeing you all Thursday night at Open House.

Students took a spelling pretest on Monday and brought their new words home on Tuesday. Their first spelling test will be given next Wednesday, September 25th. Students have a spelling assignment due each day. Please see your child's Homework Menu or contact me with any questions or concerns. 

We will finish Unit 1 in math early next week. Students will review for the test together in class and a packet will be sent home on Wednesday evening for further studying. The test will be given the following day. Please check your child's Home Link each night for our Daily Learning Objective. 

Students are enjoying working on our Community PBL experience. Their Not a Box projects are fantastic and I'm looking forward to their collaborative presentations. 

Have a wonderful week and enjoy the sunshine! :)

Monday, June 3, 2019

June 3-7

"Kind hearts are the gardens; 
kind thoughts are the roots; 
kind words are the flowers; 
kind deeds are the fruits." 
-  English Proverb

We are all looking forward to these last two weeks of school! Here are some exciting upcoming events:

*We are working hard to finish our Space PBL experience. 
**We have dress rehearsal for our "Spaced Out" play on Wednesday afternoon. 
***Our "Spaced Out" performance for parents and families will take place on Thursday morning at 9am. 

Field Day will take place on Monday, June 10th! Students have chosen to wear white shirts for this fun day. 

Have a fantastic week! Enjoy the sunshine! :)

Monday, May 20, 2019

May 20-24

"'Tis like the birthday of the world,
When earth was born in bloom;
The light is made of many dyes,
The air is all perfume:
There's crimson buds, and white and blue,
The very rainbow showers
Have turned to blossoms where they fell,
And sown the earth with flowers."

We had a wonderful start to our week with the 5th grade band and chorus concert. Both students and teachers enjoyed listening to the lovely music. I love watching my former students and encourage this year's class to get involved in music in the coming years. 

We will finish our math assessment in class today. Students will not have homework tonight, but please expect a Home Link for the rest of the week. Our daily Learning Objective is always posted on homework for parents to view. 

Students were introduced to our Space PBL today. Our Driving Question is: How would you justify which planet is most sustainable for life if Earth were to become uninhabitable? Students will begin their research this afternoon. 

We have a field trip to the high school on Wednesday morning to see their production of The Jungle Book. We are all excited about this event.

Students are working hard on their Immigration journals. They are currently at their port cities, but are boarding their steamships this afternoon. :) They are all hoping for a smooth trip to America. 

Miles in May continues this week and we are still one of the top third grade classes! Students are working so hard to complete laps during recess time. 

Have a fantastic week! 

Monday, May 13, 2019

May 13-17

"The month of May is the pleasant time; its face is beautiful; the blackbird sings his full song, the living wood is his holding, the cuckoos are singing and ever singing; there is a welcome before the brightness of the summer."

We will finish Unit 8 in math this week. Please check your child's Home Link for our daily Learning Objective. We will review for the test on Thursday and the assessment will be given the following day. Unit 9 is our last unit and focuses on Multidigit Operations. Please look for the Family Letter which will be coming home this week. 

Ms. Tabet joined our class for computer lab today. Students went on an Interactive Journey through Ellis Island. They learned a great deal of valuable information and enjoyed the audio and visual components. 

We have our very last spelling test Wednesday. Students have their last spelling assignments due tomorrow and the day of the test. 

We are one of the top three third grade classrooms in the lead for the Miles in May race! I'm so proud of the dedication and drive of my students. 

"Spaced Out" practices have begun onstage with the three other third grade classes. I'm so excited for this fun performance. Please continue to help your child practice his or her lines at home.

Have a fantastic week! 

Monday, May 6, 2019

May 6-10

"The world's favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May."

We began the week by practicing an emergency bus evacuation with the other third grade classes. Students did a great job listening to directions and following instructions on the bus. 

Students will take the STAR reading and math tests this week. I'm looking forward to seeing all of their progress. :)

The class continues their enthusiasm for the Miles in May program. This friendly competition helps motivate students to run or walk laps during recess time in honor of Fitness Month. I'm very proud of our class for participating in this fun challenge.

Please check your child's Home Link for our daily Learning Objectives. Students will not have homework tonight due to taking the STAR math test during their usual math lesson. Please look for Home Links Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week.

Our spelling test will be pushed back until tomorrow. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. We ran out of time on Friday and students asked to take it on Tuesday so they had one more night to study. 

Students are loving our Immigration Unit. We will work on passports, journal entries and birth certificates over the next few days. 

Have a wonderful week!  :)

Monday, April 1, 2019

April 1-5

"April weather, rain and sunshine both together."

We had a wonderful first day of April! Students shared their amazing PBL presentations. We gave each presentator two glows and one grow as feedback. Students will continue to share their projects throughout the week. 

We will continue with Unit 7 in math this week. Students are working hard on understanding and ordering fractions. Please see your child's Home Link for the daily Learning Objective. 

We'll have our spelling test on Wednesday. Students will have an assignment due tomorrow and Wednesday. They'll take the next pretest on Monday. 

Report cards go home on Friday. Please keep the report(s) at home and sign the gold envelope to return to school as soon as possible. 

I'm looking forward to my upcoming conferences beginning next week. :)

Have a fantastic week! 

Monday, March 18, 2019

March 18-22

"In March winter is holding back and spring is pulling forward. Something holds and something pulls inside of us too."

We are so excited to have a new student in our class! This morning we welcomed Gabby to LSS and Room 137! :)

We will begin Unit 7 in math this week. Students will have a math assignment each night for homework. Please check your child's Home Link for our daily Learning Objective.   

Students took the spelling pretest this morning. They will have a spelling menu choice each night for homework. The test will be given this Friday, the 22nd. 

We will be finishing our Inventions PBL in the coming weeks. Students have worked hard on research and are preparing to demonstrate their knowledge with a culminating project or presentation. 

Students will continue working on their famous Black American project this week as well. They are using multiple media sources and books to research their person of interest. Invitations for the Wax Museum went home last week. Please contact me with any questions about this fun event.

Have a wonderful week! :)

Monday, March 11, 2019

March 11-15

"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade."

We had a lovely Monday! Students worked on their Black American project and their Invention PBL. I am so proud of the problem solving and independence of my third graders. :)

We will finish Unit 6 in math on Wednesday. Please check your child's Home Links tonight and Wednesday for the daily Learning Objectives. We will review for the test on Thursday. A review packet will go home that night for additional studying. The assessment will be given on Friday. Please look for the Unit 7 Family Letter coming home this week. 

We will have our spelling test on Wednesday!

No school tomorrow Tuesday, March 12th!

Information concerning the upcoming Wax Museum will go home today. Parents are invited to our classroom on Tuesday, March 26th from 2:00-2:30pm to view our presentations. Please look forward to a fun and informative afternoon. :)

Have a wonderful week! 

Monday, February 18, 2019

February 18-22

"February is the border between winter and spring."
We are looking forward to a busy week before vacation. Students did an awesome job at our Practice Lockdown Drill today. I was very proud of them! We evacuated the classroom safely, quietly and calmly. 
We will continue working on Unit 6 in math this week. Please check your child's Home Link for the daily Learning Objective. Students will have a Home Link on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. 
No spelling this week! :)
We are so lucky to have two special presentations related to our Simple Machine and Inventions Unit this week. Tomorrow we will host the Museum of Science at LSS. The entire third grade will see an assembly on Motion, Forces and Energy. Then on Thursday, Alice's Mom will visit our class for a presentation on inventing and the engineering design process. 
We will continue to work on our PBL experience this week. We will also study influential African Americans in honor of Black History Month. 
Have a wonderful week and a relaxing vacation! :)

Monday, February 11, 2019

February 11-15

"In the coldest February, as in every other month in every other year, the best thing to hold on to in this world is each other."

We had a fantastic start to our week! Our class is really enjoying our Black History Month project. They have now learned about nine important and influential African Americans. At the end of the month, they will take home their February calendar filled with fact cards about each person. 

We began Unit 6 in math today. This unit continues to focus on Multiplication Fact Strategies, Solving Multistep Problems and the Relationship Between Multiplication and Division. Please see your child's Home Link each evening for our daily Learning Objective. Students will have a Home Link each night this week. 

Students will have a spelling assignment tonight and tomorrow. Our test will be given on Wednesday. It will be our last spelling test until after February break. :)

Students will delve deeper into our Invention PBL this week. Students will research their invention and find the information most useful to them using digital resources and books. Next week they will decide how to demonstrate their understanding and knowledge of the invention.  

Have a wonderful week! :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

February 4-8

"While it is February one can taste the full joys of anticipation. Spring stands at the gate with her finger on the latch."

This weather has been spectacular! We've enjoyed playing outside the last two days and even took a nice class walk this afternoon. :)

We will finish Unit 5 in math tomorrow. Please look for the Family Letter for Unit 6 to come home by Friday. It gives great information about our upcoming unit along with Home Link tips. We will review for the Unit 5 Assessment on Thursday and the test will be given the following day. Please check your child's Home Link each night for our Learning Objective. We will begin Unit 6 on Monday. 

We will take our Lesson 13 spelling pretest tomorrow. Students will have a spelling assignment on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. 

Scholastic book orders are due by February 18th.

Please sign and return gold report card envelopes as soon as possible. 

Have a fantastic week!

Monday, January 28, 2019

January 28-February 1

"The birds are gone, The ground is white,
The winds are wild, They chill and bite;  
The ground is thick with slush and sleet,  
And I barely feel my feet." 

We had a fabulous start to our week! Students worked on vocabulary, language arts and a text feature activity to begin the day. We also had a spelling pretest that focused on Homophones. Our spelling test will be given on Friday. Students have a spelling assignment each night this week for homework. 

We will continue with Unit 5 in math this week. Please see your child's Home Link for our daily Learning Objective. They will have homework each night. Students have really been enjoying our new station routine in math. I'm grateful for such a flexible, independent group of third graders who can handle transitions so well. 

Students are loving our Simple Machine and Invention Unit. They will continue to research topics for our Project Based Learning (PBL) experience this week. We are using a variety of books, reference materials and online databases for this project. 

Scholastic book orders went home today. Our classroom code is HB244. All orders are due by February 18th. Students who place their order online will receive a free book! 

Report cards went home this past Friday. Please sign and return the gold envelope at your earliest convenience. The report card and Star reports can stay home for your records. 

Have a lovely week! :)