
Monday, February 16, 2015

"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire:  it is the time for home."  
-  Edith Sitwell

We began our week with a very cold day.  Thank goodness for the delayed opening!  Students worked hard to accomplish three hours worth of learning in only one hour.  :)

We will finish our Area Unit in math this week.  Then we will move on to fractions.  Our Fraction Unit will be lengthy.  It can be a difficult unit for students to conceptualize until they are given a lot of practice and strategies to solve problems.  Please contact me if your child is struggling with homework or seems overly frustrated.  Students will have a one-sided assignment each night for homework. 

Our spelling rule this week involves words with -tch and -ph.  Students will have a Spelling Cafe choice each night for homework. 

Students were broken into their European families for our Immigration Unit this week.  They will be choosing an authentic name, job and reason for leaving their homeland in the coming days.  Our Ellis Island simulation will take place in early April.  More information will be forthcoming.

Have a wonderful week!  :)