
Monday, April 28, 2014

"In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours."  Mark Twain

We started our week with a sunny and breezy day.  Students made American Indian headbands with our Ed 500 student from U.N.H.  It is her last day working in our classroom and we will miss her Monday visits.  Students learned a variety of symbols used for picture writing by tribes who lived on the Great Plains.  They used these symbols to create stories on their headbands.

We have finished studying Simple Machines and students are anxious to transition to our Black American Unit.  We will begin learning about the Underground Railroad this week.

Our spelling rule this week involves v-c-e exceptions.  These words have a silent e, but it does not make the vowel before it long.  Good old English language!  :)

We will be solving word problems using division in math this week.  We'll also be multiplying and dividing by 8s and 9s.

Have a wonderful week!  :)

Monday, April 14, 2014

What a beautiful start to the school week!  Students loved playing outside in the warm weather today.  I can't believe that we are so close to April vacation.  It's going to be a busy, but fun week.

Students did a practice version of the Smarter Balanced ELA (English Language Arts) on the laptops this morning.  I was proud of all my students for their hard work and effort on this challenging test.  They will take the math portion of the practice test on Thursday afternoon.

We will be exploring volume and weight in math this week.  Students will have a math worksheet for homework each night.

Our spelling pattern involves Split Vowels this week.  Students will have a Spelling Cafe choice each night for homework.

Have a wonderful week and a fantastic vacation!  :)

Monday, April 7, 2014

A fourth grade teacher told me today that we have only 45 more school days left until summer vacation!  Wow!  I can't believe how quickly time has flown by this year!

We will be studying polygons this week.  Students learned about equilateral, isoceles and scalene triangles this morning.  Please ask your child what a right triangle is and what the difference is between parallel and perpendicular lines.  Students will have a math worksheet each night for homework.

Our spelling pattern this week involves words with -igh and -eigh in them.  Students will have a spelling cafe choice each night for homework this week.

Report cards went home on Friday.  Please keep the report card, but sign and return the gold envelope that it came in so I know you've seen it.  Conferences will take place over the next two weeks.  I look forward to seeing parents.

Scholastic book orders are due by next Monday, April 14th.

Thank you and have a great week!  :)