
Monday, October 6, 2014

"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." L.M. Montgomery Anne of Green Gables

We had another beautiful start to our week.  Students were pleasantly surprised to learn of a new program that we started today called Reading Buddies.  We have partnered up with students from Phillips Exeter Academy who will join our class each Monday for a half an hour.  PEA and LSS students will work together on fun reading activities that relate to our science and social studies units.  This provides a great experience for both age groups.  Today they read a story called The Legend of Scarface: A Blackfeet Indian Tale.  Unfortunately, our time was cut short with our Reading Buddies due to a fire drill.

Our spelling rule involves Suffix Endings this week.  A suffix is an ending added to a base word which changes the meaning of the word.  Students will have a Spelling Cafe choice each night for homework.

In math this week we will be studying the Commutative Property of Addition, patterns in numbers, odds and evens, multiplying and dividing by 10, number stories, and estimation.  Students will have a one-sided math assignment each night for homework.

Students will be working with their Google Drive accounts during Computer Lab on Tuesday morning.  Ms. Tabet will work with them throughout the year on developing solid computer skills.

Have a great week!  :)

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